Three recipes for "dried vegetable miso soup" to get through the summer

Jul 17, 2023

The humid, hot season is upon us. The days when you sweat even when standing still are just around the corner. Did you know that miso soup is the perfect way to replenish the fluids, salt, and potassium lost through sweating?

This time, we will introduce three miso soup recipes using dried vegetables.

Kyoto Vegetable Miso Soup Recipe

Kyoto Vegetable Miso Soup Recipe

Ingredients (for 2 people)

How to make Kyoto vegetable miso soup

1. Put the soup stock in a pot and add the miso just before it boils.

How to make miso soup with Kyoto vegetables

②Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil.

Mibuna Miso Soup

②Summer vegetable miso soup recipe

Summer vegetable miso soup recipe

Ingredients (for 2 people)

How to make Summer Vegetable Miso Soup

1. Put the soup stock in a pot and add the miso just before it boils.

Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil

3. Add garam masala just before serving.

Summer vegetable miso soup

3. Chilled miso soup recipe to beat summer fatigue

Chilled miso soup to beat summer fatigue

Ingredients (for 2 people)

How to make chilled miso soup

1. Put the soup stock in a pot and add the miso just before it boils.

Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil

③ Chill in the refrigerator

4. Sprinkle white sesame seeds on top just before serving.

Recipe for cold soup to overcome summer fatigue

When your appetite has decreased due to the heat, we especially recommend chilled miso soup (③). The slimy texture of the natto nicely coats the whole dish, making it smooth and easy to drink.

Try dried vegetables

ドライトマト - OYAOYA
Dried tomatoes
from ¥600
乾燥玉ねぎ - OYAOYA
Dried onion
from ¥550
乾燥生姜 - OYAOYA
Dried ginger
from ¥600
Dried beets
from ¥600
乾燥賀茂なす - OYAOYA
Dried Kamo eggplant
from ¥600
乾燥九条ねぎ - OYAOYA
Dried Kujo green onions
from ¥550