Introducing dried vegetables using Phytorich

Nov 18, 2024

What are vegetables rich in functional ingredients ?

Vegetables play an important role in supporting our health. However, thanks to the evolution of modern vegetable breeding techniques, they are no longer just for eating; they are creating new value. One of these is It is a vegetable rich in functional ingredients .

Vegetables rich in functional ingredients are those that have been bred to increase specific functionalities and ingredients with health in mind. Compared to regular vegetables, they have been bred to contain more functional ingredients such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and polyphenols. This allows you to ingest ingredients that are good for your body more efficiently through your daily meals.

Melon Onion

Phytorich vegetables that bring out the natural power of vegetables

Phytorich vegetables are It is a representative vegetable that is rich in functional ingredients . This brand, developed by Takii Seed, was created by focusing on the "color" and "functionality" of vegetables. For example, orange carrots are rich in beta-carotene, and red-purple mizuna is high in polyphenols, so the color itself is proof that it contains functionality.

Furthermore, these "visible functional ingredients" are easy to understand for the cook as well. Just having them on the table adds color and gives you peace of mind that they are supporting your family and your own health.


Dried vegetables made with Phytorich vegetables

At OYAOYA, we deliver these Phyto-Rich vegetables as dried vegetables. Below are the items we handle and their features.

Orange Ginseng

Orange Ginseng

Orange carrots are bright orange all the way through to the core, with a thin skin and a refreshing herbal aroma. They also contain more carotene, which has excellent antioxidant properties, than regular Western carrots .

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Dried Kyoto Kurenai - OYAOYA

Kyoto Kurenai Carrots

This Japanese variety captivates the eyes and tongue with its glossy red body and entrancing sweetness. It has a subtle fragrance but a rich sweetness. It also contains lycopene because it is a cross between Kintoki carrots.

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Dried spinach - OYAOYA

Bentenmaru spinach

We use Bentenmaru spinach, which has little bitterness and a strong sweet flavor. We have dried it soft so that you can enjoy it as it is, so please use it as a sprinkle.

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Red monk Mizuna

Benihoushi Mizuna

This red-colored mizuna has a strong fragrance and a crunchy texture. The stems are red because they contain the functional ingredient anthocyanin.

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Healthy Okra

Healthy Okra

We use the Hercie variety of okra, which has a strong stickiness unique to okra and a slightly whitish color. When raw, it has a soft texture, but is delicious when simply grilled. Hercie contains water-soluble pectin, a type of dietary fiber.

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A new step to change the dining table with Phytorich vegetables

"I want to enjoy vegetables more, but I'm too busy to take the time."
For such daily life, OYAOYA has a new proposal. Phyto-rich vegetables - you may not be familiar with the name yet. But once you know about them, you'll think, "This is what I wanted!" Phyto-rich vegetables are a special series of varieties that are rich in functional ingredients and also pursue deliciousness.

OYAOYA delivers these in the form of dried vegetables. Colorful, functional, and easy to use, dried vegetables combine these three qualities to easily enrich your dinner table even on busy days.

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