Vegetable medicine online course

Regular price ¥39,800
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What is vegetable medicinal food?

This is a dietary method that learns and incorporates the inherent power of vegetables and fruits from the perspective of medicinal foods according to your constitution, physical condition, season, and purpose, and balances both your body and mind. This course teaches you things that you can use in your daily life, as well as in your work, such as recipe development and supervision, and how to use it in your main job.

  • Learn how to prepare your diet using ingredients you can buy at the supermarket
  • Utilize your self-care skills in a way that enhances your daily life
  • Learn the next generation's knowledge of medicinal foods and use it in your future work

Recommended for:

  • I'm interested in medicinal foods, but it seems difficult and intimidating.
  • I'm interested in medicinal foods, but the course fees are too high
  • I'm interested in medicinal foods but I don't have time.
  • I want to gain knowledge and be able to earn money for the future (cooking classes, menu supervision, etc.)
  • I want to make myself and those around me healthy

The vegetable medicinal course is Even if you think that medicinal foods are difficult or too expensive, you can learn the basic information about medicinal foods and the effects of familiar vegetables online and proceed at your own pace. Come and learn how to improve your body while experiencing the fun of medicinal foods and the new appeal of vegetables!

Overview of the course

Course start date: Scheduled for December 2024

Price: One-time course purchase: 39,800 yen (tax included)


  • Lecture videos that can be repeatedly studied (shared on YouTube)
  • Response to questions via LINE

Course Content :

1. Basics of Vegetable Medicine

  • What is Vegetable Medicinal Food?
  • Using vegetable medicine in daily life
  • Using vegetable medicine at work
  • The concept of medicinal foods
  • Medicinal ingredients

2. Basics of Medicinal Food

  • Qi, blood, and water balance
  • The five internal organs
  • History of Medicinal Food
  • Yin Yang and the Five Elements

3. The basics of vegetables from a medicinal perspective

4. Seasonal vegetable recipes

Introducing the lecturer of vegetable medicinal cuisine

International Medicinal Practitioner Asako Yamakawa

Representative of YAKUZEN TOKYO Co., Ltd.

Born in 1982. Involved in launching a D2C apparel business centered on digital marketing and real marketing social media for a certain department store. Due to overwork and mental health issues, she was forced to take a leave of absence due to a doctor's order. While searching for the cause, she discovered traditional Chinese medicine and was impressed by the method of using the effects of ingredients to improve the body. Feeling that she wished she had known about medicinal foods sooner, she decided to use her experience to develop a subscription service that allows people to easily incorporate medicinal foods into their diet. In 2020, she obtained the International Medicinal Food Practitioner qualification.

*This course will be available for pre-order starting October 1, 2024. When the course starts, we will share the access link to the video.

What is vegetable medicinal food?

This is a dietary method that learns and incorporates the inherent power of vegetables and fruits from the perspective of medicinal foods according to your constitution, physical condition, season, and purpose, and balances both your body and mind. This course teaches you things that you can use in your daily life, as well as in your work, such as recipe development and supervision, and how to use it in your main job.


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野菜は天日干しに近い温度でじっくり乾かすことにより、旨味や栄養が凝縮するのはもちろん、生鮮野菜では気付けなかった、野菜の隠れた魅力を引き出すことも可能になります。 OYAOYAは、京都府北部エリアの農家さんから仕入れたとれたてのFreshな野菜たちを、Dryでしか味わえない「畑の新しいご馳走」として提案する、切り干し野菜ブランドです。